Stampin’ Up! 80% Clearance Rack


Hi friends. I've been lying very low lately. One of my best friend's husband (who was also a very dear friend to me and the big brother I never had) suddenly passed away two weeks ago tomorrow. He was only 55 and will be missed by so many. Booter was just a great guy that I've known since I was 15-16 years old. Since he was a fireman, trucks came in from all over the county and it was his station that got the call from my girlfriend. His service was a wonderful way to say goodbye and as crazy as this sounds, it was the perfect memorial. I saw so many friends that I had not seen since the reunion 3 years ago and others that I haven't seen in over 30 years! I'm so aging myself here but so what. I feel like I have closure with Booter. I don't feel like I have closure with my dad. Maybe because there was 6 weeks between the time he died and I buried him and you just become numb and used to it. I don't know. I do know it was too long. I was trying to make everybody else happy and let them have closure while I'm starting to go a little crazy because I needed it, so I'm working on it. December 29 would have been his 72nd birthday and I will share the card I made for his birthday last year here on my blog and my Facebook Fan Page on December 29. 

Now for the above banner, Stampin' Up! is having a very nice 80% off sale on a very large variety of products that even surprised me. Pick yours up while you can because once they are gone, they are gone. Click right HERE to head on over to my store. There's also a Valentine's Day special going on that is a bundled kit. There's actually two kits of sorts. One is for the big girls and the other is for the kids that they can make. Very cost effective, not to mention fun as you can make these Valentine's with your kids so they can exchange them at school with their friends or wherever. Take a look at that too. I think you will like it. 

For all current Stampin' Up! promotions, click right HERE

Today I plan on getting back to life, start creating again, making a few videos and whatever else comes my way. I'll also demonstrate to you some of the new Stampin' Up! products, like the very cool Spring Catalog that's coming up and Sale-A-Bration. As a demonstrator, I get a look at new products about 6 weeks before they're available to the public and I also get to play with them too. Sale-A-Bration is a bit different than from previous years. Stampin' Up! has put together brand new bundles that range around $50 and when you spend $50 during Sale-A-Bration, you can pick an item in the brochure for free. Kits are very popular these days since they are quick, fun to make and all of the hard work is done for you, especially if you're always in a hurry. You can still get that creative flow going without having to come up with a design from scratch. 

So my friends, that's about it for me today. I'm working on a card that I can put up hopefully later today. All of my stuff is at my dad's house. When I got the phone call about my friend's passing, I just grabbed the dog and with the clothes on my back, came home (which is a 2-hour drive), dropped the dog off at my house, and then went out to Napa where my girlfriend lives. 

Thank you so much for stopping by to visit me today and don't forget to check back later! In the future, I'll add links and what not by my signature to keep my posts clean and I also don't want to clutter up my sidebars either to be honest with you. Sometimes too much is just too much. You can always click on the Stampin' Up! badge on my sidebar, I will put something under my signature like I said, and click on the rotating banner at the top right of my blog. You'll have options. 

Hugs and blessings to you.

