Blog Changes and Construction

My Wish


Hi again my friends. 

I will be having some serious blog construction going on. I am so excited that I received my new graphics with my maiden name on them. This was very important for me to reclaim my identity of who I really am, not as how I was abusively defined. It's a tremendous baggage drop for me to move forward in my new life and I am so relieved of that burden. I refuse to use a name associated with hate and abuse. It's a disgrace.

With that being said, will be moving to When? I don't know. I need some help with that. I have 5 years of blogging and about 13,000 posts. I could do the redirect route but it defeats the purpose of ridding myself of the name that I choose to reject.

Today I will be changing all of my graphics so you will see Blancett here. Yay!

As a personal favor, I also ask that you change my name on your end if you link to my blog, in your address book, wherever, so that my correct name is reflected. 

My email address will be changing as well and that will be published in a newsletter and the email link on my sidebar will be updated.

For my online card classes, I have another team working on that and will keep you posted. Currently, the URL is and that will be changing to 

Hang in there with me. This change won't disrupt the flow too much but it may be a little messy today and tomorrow.

If you proudly wear my blog badge, thank you! BUT, that will be changing as well so you will have to grab the new HTML code and I will let you know when to do that. I will also send out a newsletter.

Thank you so much, as always, for your undying support. I don't publish about 98% of the comments I receive because I'm asked not to due to their personal nature and I will always respect your wishes, but I sure have enjoyed becoming friends with all of you. You are all amazing ladies (and a few men), and I am blessed. My blog hits daily are in the 20,000 range and my newsletter has almost 10,000 subscribers.

I will get back on top of my game as well with our challenges and special series, such as my Clean and Simple Tuesday and Faith on Friday, as well as starting back up with my online card classes in April of Clean and Simple, as I did have to skip a few months. And maybe you'll start seeing me again in some magazines since I haven't made any submissions in over a year now.

Hugs and blessings!
