Stampin’ Up! Video Featuring the Carols of Christmas is Now Available For You to Order

Hello there! Starting on August 1, Stampin’ Up! customers have the first time to order a product that hasn’t been released yet in the history of forever, as least for the past decade that I know of. Very exciting!

Even better, becoming an Independent Stampin’ Up! Demonstrator is always $99 or less, which affords you your choice of $125 in product, business supplies, a fantastic upline (me) and my team of The Creative Stampers. What’s fabulous is that if you sign up, part of your choice of products can be the coordinating Framelits for the Carols of Christmas. You will have to wait until September 1 to order those when the 2017 Holiday Catalog goes live. Why wait another 3-1/2 weeks is what I think 🙂

And here are some of the beautiful and very different examples made using this Bundle. There’s a lot of videos, Pins, Instagram and other social media outlets that showcase this Bundle oh so beautifully, and wait until you see the concept artistry in the catalog. Blew me away.

I have to be honest with you. I jumped on this bandwagon about 10 days late. I was really on the fence over this Bundle. I usually do not look on the internet for ideas, believe it or not, because it’s very time consuming. I’ve told myself before that I’ll spend only 10 minutes and literally 6-/2 hours later, my entire day is totally shot and it will take me another 4 days to catch up. You know what I mean. Then a few Stampin’ Up! Groups that I belong to started to talk about it and post what they made and you also know how that story ends too. Thank God I never got addicted to the mother of all female eye candy – Pinterest.

I was surprised how versatile this Bundle is. I made THIS CARD and video a few weeks ago. I do know I’m sitting on one right now that’s a week old. I watercolored the cowboy boots from Country Livin’ and it turned out great, if I say so myself. I had to do some quick thinking on my feet when 2 colors from the same family somehow made mud. You’ll see it in the video. It was a great save. That voiceover is going to be a lot of fun. I’m a bit surprised at myself for not really getting into summer florals this year like I always do. I love florals and everything about them; from coloring them to techniques. I’m sure I’ll catch up on that before Halloween or right in the middle of some holiday when you do not even want to look at another tree or touch anything red or green for a decade. I’m missing getting messy with Mixed Media. It’s been a busy summer around here and there was a lot of Stampin’ Up! Promotions going on last month too with preparing with yet another new catalog when the annual one went live on June 1. I think this is the most fast-paced Stampin’ Up! time that I’ve ever had. It was overwhelming to me and I’m sure it was to you too, but in the end, everybody is happy. I also have the great craft destash going on and have another 6 videos I need to upload, and absolutely buried in legal paperwork with an extremely short deadline. That stuff would scare Stephen King.

I know I’m thinking about what to make the maybe 25 kids I get for Halloween, some new little spookies for my black glitter Halloween tree that I got at Michael’s years ago. I’m going to try something different with that this year. Finish up last year’s December Daily, that I never even shared with you, and start thinking about this year. I need a wife or 2.

I hope that you enjoyed the video above. If you are interested in becoming part of The Creative Stampers and/or place an order, just give me a holler. Thank you so very much for stopping by to visit me today. God bless.